What is Urticaria? What are the Symptoms?

What is Urticaria? What are the Symptoms?

Urticaria is a skin condition characterized by itchy and edematous lesions that occur suddenly and usually resolve spontaneously within the same day. This disease, which can occur for different reasons and with different mechanisms, can be classified as acute and chronic urticaria. Urticaria is usually easily diagnosed, but when it comes to treatment, many different approaches may be necessary. The symptoms of urticaria are mostly itching, burning, sharply limited and erythema (blood collection).

What is Urticaria?

Urticaria is a skin disease characterized by itchy lesions called ‘urticaria’ involving mucous membranes, which has been around since the time of Hippocrates. This term can be considered to be a derivative of the nettle known as “Urtica ureus”, which causes redness and itching when touched. This very common disease has affected 20-30% of the population at least once in their lifetime. It is also known to account for 1-3% of dermatologic diseases. Chronic urticaria has an incidence of 0.5-1%. The question “What is urticaria?” can be answered as “a skin disease, also known as ‘hives’, which can appear and disappear in a short time and develop with attacks”. Hives are often caused by allergic reactions.

What are the Types of Urticaria?

There are different types of urticaria. The most common type of urticaria is acute urticaria. The term “acute urticaria” can be used to describe hives lasting less than six weeks. Hives that last longer than six weeks are called “chronic urticaria”. Chronic urticaria occurs at least twice a week. Another type of chronic urticaria is chronic spontaneous urticaria. This type of urticaria has been called chronic idiopathic urticaria in the past because it occurs for no apparent reason. There are also varieties called physical urticaria or excitable urticaria. This rash can occur in case of cold, heat or sun exposure. In some cases, it is a form of urticaria that can occur within an hour of exposure during exercise, pressure, vibration or sweating. This type of rash can become chronic over time.

What are the Symptoms of Urticaria?

Urticaria symptoms can develop in different ways, depending on the person, the condition and the cause of its occurrence. Symptoms can be described separately as symptoms of acute urticaria and chronic urticaria, but these two types of hives can be similar in many ways, with common symptoms being itchy, swollen and pressure-induced raised spots. Symptoms of acute urticaria are:
  • Raised scars or bumps on the skin,
  • Reddish in color,
  • Urticaria plaques that turn pale when pressed on,
  • Itchy skin
  • Swelling under the skin (angioedema),
  • There may be painful swelling of the lips, eyes and throat.
Symptoms of chronic urticaria can be listed as follows:
  • Rashes of varying size and shape,
  • Itchy plaques that can appear several times a week for long periods of time, even months and years,
  • Hives plaques that can disappear and reappear on their own,
  • Urticaria may develop due to heat, exercise or stress.
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What Causes Urticaria?

Acute urticaria is an allergic reaction that can occur in response to food, drink or medication, or in contact with something. A chemical called histamine is released as a reaction of mast cells, immune cells in the skin. This chemical histamine is the cause of urticaria. Urticaria can also develop due to factors such as infection, physical stress and stress. In contrast to acute urticaria, chronic urticaria is usually not caused by an allergen. It can be caused by infectious conditions caused by bacteria or viruses, or by other diseases such as lupus. Cases of chronic urticaria can be idiopathic or spontaneous. Even if it lasts for a long time, it is not permanent and is not life-threatening. The causes of urticaria can generally be mentioned as follows:
  • Acute upper respiratory tract infections such as flu and colds,
  • Medicines such as painkillers, muscle relaxants and antibiotics,
  • Alcohol consumption,
  • Some foods and food additives such as nuts, peanuts, eggs, walnuts, fish, tomatoes, berries and shellfish,
  • Pressure applied to the skin,
  • Antibiotics and some painkillers,
  • Insect stings and bites,
  • Pressure, sudden hot-cold changes,
  • Exercise and sun exposure,
  • Use of latex,
  • Blood transfusions
  • Urinary tract infections,
  • Viral infections of the common cold and hepatitis,
  • Pet hair,
  • Pollen and some plants.

Urticaria Treatment

The most important step in urticaria treatment is to avoid known triggers. To identify triggers, allergy tests can be performed in consultation with an allergist. Some medications may be recommended on the advice of specialists. The answer to the question “How does urticaria go away?” is mostly medical treatment procedures. Commonly prescribed medicines include the antihistamine group. Antihistamines are medicines that can relieve itching and rash and can be used primarily in treatment. These medicines require daily use and may cause drowsiness. Therefore, if your doctor prescribes these medicines, it is advisable to tell your doctor if you have a job that requires attention and driving. Other medical treatments that can be used are drugs that can affect the immune system in resistant and special cases, or drugs that can be administered by injection. In addition, to treat chronic hives, which are difficult to treat, your health care provider may prescribe monthly injections of medication that suppress the immune system’s production of IgE, which prevents allergic complications. To relieve urticaria, warm or cool showers can be taken, loose and wool-free clothes can be preferred and cold compresses can be applied. For the treatment of stress-related urticaria, lifestyle changes are recommended. Expert advice can also be sought on how to reduce and control stress.

How to Prevent Urticaria?

The cause of urticaria is determined through tests and examinations performed by physicians. Allergy tests are often used during the diagnosis phase and some precautions can be taken based on the evaluation of these results:
  • The first step to prevent urticaria is to avoid factors that increase urticaria. Triggers to avoid include pet dander, pollen, certain plants, insect stings, certain foods and medicines.
  • Stress is among the factors that can cause urticaria. Therefore, relaxing techniques such as yoga, meditation and breathing exercises can be tried to reduce stress.
  • Regular use of prescribed medicines is necessary.
  • Cleaning products, detergents and soaps without fragrances or dyes should be used.
  • Loose, light, non-itchy and non-woolen clothes should be preferred.
  • Sudden and extreme temperature changes should be avoided.
  • Adopting a healthy eating habit and establishing adequate sleep habits are other measures that can be taken.

Is Urticaria Contagious?

The question “Is urticaria contagious?” is usually answered as not contagious. This means that if you come into contact with a person with urticaria, you will not develop urticaria on your skin. In some cases, however, the trigger that causes this skin disease can be contagious. Urticaria triggers such as bacterial infections, viruses, sore throats, colds and flu can be contagious. Urticaria is a skin disease that develops suddenly and can negatively affect a person’s quality of life and motivation. Most of the time it can go away on its own, but sometimes it can become chronic. It can cause severe itching, swelling and even skin rashes. It is therefore advisable to consult a specialist if you experience symptoms of urticaria. If you follow your doctor’s treatment recommendations exactly, your unpleasant symptoms will soon subside.
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