What is Regional Slimming?

What is Regional Slimming?

Regional thinning is a preferred slimming method to have a more proportional body appearance.

What is Regional Slimming?

The question “What is regional thinning?” can be answered as the process of making body contours slimmer and more balanced thanks to the medical methods developed.
The resistant fat layer that accumulates in the body over time due to sedentary life, stress and unhealthy eating habits, and the irregular arrangement of subcutaneous fat tissues (cellulite) are problems that many individuals are looking for solutions to today.
In order to have more proportionate body contours and to support the treatment of certain diseases, many scientific studies have been conducted in recent years and regional slimming methods have been developed.
In order to lose weight in a healthy way, diet programs applied under the consultancy of a dietician help to achieve the ideal body structure and healthy aging.
However, diet and exercise applications may not always be sufficient as an answer to the question “How to do regional slimming?”.
Today, surgical procedures and noninvasive applications preferred for weight that cannot be lost with diet have become widespread.
Regional slimming can be preferred by almost everyone to eliminate the unbalanced appearance of resistant fats accumulated around the belly and hips.

regional thinning

What are Regional Slimming Methods?

Liposuction and tummy tuck operations are examples of surgical procedures performed by a specialist physician to shape a part of the body or the whole body.
These procedures are performed by specialist doctors under hospital conditions.
Liposuction is the surgical removal of resistant fats accumulated in some parts of the body.
It is generally preferred to remove fat that cannot be lost despite regular diet and exercise.
Abdominoplasty, also known as abdominoplasty, is a method applied to make the sagging abdomen firmer and smoother after fat loss or due to old age.
Due to the longer healing process in invasive methods and the gradual development of noninvasive (non-surgical) regional slimming technologies, non-surgical treatment options are now being evaluated by many specialist physicians.
Some of the body shaping methods that can be easily performed without any surgical operation are as follows:
  • Mechanical Roller Massage Therapy (Endermologie): This method is especially preferred in the treatment of cellulite caused by the irregular arrangement of subcutaneous fat.
    It is a mechanical massage technology that aims to eliminate the deformities caused by cellulite.
    It is also preferred in the preventive treatment of diseases such as lymphedema.
  • Ultrasound and Radiofrequency Method: This method, which is frequently preferred to reduce cellulite, is known to help tighten the skin and provide regional thinning.
    During this method, the mechanical waves of ultrasound and radiofrequency energy waves are sent to the target fat tissue at the same time to reduce the volume of fat cells.
    At the same time, it is aimed to tighten the skin.
    According to some studies, radiofrequency waves are known to provide thinning in the subcutaneous fat tissue of the buttocks and thighs, reduce wrinkles and increase collagen production.
  • Cavitational Ultraporation: In this method, fat cells are broken down by ultrasonic sound waves providing sudden and high pressure changes in the target area.
    The disintegrated cells are removed from the area via lymph and liver.
    This method is generally preferred for abdominal fat (abdominal fat).
    At the same time, skin tightening can be seen in the area where this method is applied.
  • Low Level Laser Therapy: This method, also called therapeutic laser, is preferred not only for regional thinning but also for many medical procedures.
  • Cryo Lipolysis Also known as cold lipolysis, this method is a practical noninvasive (non-surgical) application preferred to reduce fat mass.
    Cryolipolysis, which was approved by the FDA (American Drug Administration) in 2010, must be approved by a specialist physician before being applied to the patient.
    This method should not be applied to some patients, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.

Is Regional Thinning Harmful?

Regional thinning methods applied by specialist physicians and performed in full-fledged health institutions do not cause any harm.
Some patients undergoing surgical procedures may experience symptoms such as pain.
As with many surgical operations, there is a risk of developing various complications during or after surgery.
In addition, some methods may not be suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
All methods that are popularly tried for regional weight loss and have no scientific basis should be avoided.
Regional slimming procedures are applied with scientifically proven methods and advanced medical technologies after examination and necessary examinations.
Thanks to the online health applications available in many hospitals, you can make an online doctor’s appointment and have your questions answered.
After you make your doctor’s appointment, diagnosis and treatment processes can be easily planned after a preliminary interview.

Is Regional Slimming Possible?

With a healthy diet and regular exercise, many people can achieve their ideal body size.
In addition to diet and exercise, there are many options based on scientific evidence today, thanks to the search for different ways to achieve the desired aesthetic and smooth body appearance, to get rid of resistant fat and cellulite.
Today, when treatment methods suitable for almost every individual have been developed, it has become possible to slim down with regional slimming devices without the need for any surgery.
For areas with more fat accumulation than your body type, there are many non-invasive methods that health professionals can apply.
Even with the most effective slimming devices, it is necessary to continue regular sessions to get efficient results.
While attending sessions, anthropometric measurements are taken and the slimming of your body is monitored.
When you compare your appearance before and after regional slimming with your specialist, you can notice the thinning and smooth appearance of your skin.

What is the Best Regional Slimming Method?

The best method of regional thinning may be different for everyone.
For some individuals, the appropriate treatment may be a combination of more than one method.
Thanks to your doctor’s opinion and your choice, you can find the right method and get efficient results.
In order for many surgical and non-surgical methods applied thanks to today’s developing medical technologies to maintain their effect in the long term, it is important to follow a nutrition plan specially prepared for you and to be physically active.

How to Burn Regional Fat?

The best way to burn fat in a healthy way is to create a calorie deficit with a workable diet tailored to your body and socioeconomic level.
The best support for a healthy eating routine is regular physical activity.
Sports such as Pilates and fitness can help you achieve a healthier and more aesthetic body.
When you regularly follow a training program that supports the work of the muscles that will help you achieve the body shape you want, it is easier to have a more balanced body fat percentage and a fit appearance.
Surgical operations and regional slimming devices deemed appropriate by specialist physicians can be given to the question “How is regional slimming done?” for people who cannot or cannot do diet and sports for psychological, physiological and environmental reasons.
In such cases, various surgical or biomedical technologies are used to remove fat cells from the body.
You can also choose surgical methods such as liposuction and tummy tuck surgeries and some non-surgical regional slimming methods to make the rough and sagging skin structure smoother and younger looking.
Non-surgical regional weight loss methods are gradually developing with the advancement of medical technologies and are preferred by physicians for the treatment of many patients thanks to good results.
The lower cost of these treatments compared to surgical methods and the absence of pain caused by surgical operations in non-invasive methods make these methods a priority.
Regional thinning methods applied in each session not only achieve the targeted results, but also support a smoother and slimmer body structure.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Regional Slimming Happen?

Regional weight loss is a physiological process that is usually characterized by fat loss or tightening.
When you maintain a calorie deficit by following a healthy weight loss diet during the day, you can lose fat from various extremities of your body in accordance with your genetics.
With some regional exercises, you can also increase muscle mass and get a leaner and fitter look in the areas you want.
Fat tissues that accumulate in some areas such as arms, abdomen and legs and are resistant to be removed from the body may need to be removed by surgical and non-surgical applications.
In order to avoid muscle loss and protect your health while losing weight regionally, you should consult health professionals and choose the right applications.

Does Regional Slimming Work?

It is very important that you continue the procedure applied to you during regional slimming for a certain session period.
Continuing unhealthy eating habits after your physician has completed your treatment process may cause problems to recur in the long term.
In order not to experience the same cycle again and to maintain your ideal body appearance and health, you should first make a healthy diet your lifestyle.
You can make an online doctor appointment to get information about regional thinning methods.

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