What is Pharyngitis?

What is Pharyngitis? What are the Symptoms of Pharyngitis?

Pharyngitis is defined as inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the back of the throat. This condition, which is usually caused by viral infections such as the common cold or flu, can vary in terms of symptoms and treatment methods.

What is Pharyngitis?

Pharyngitis is an inflammatory condition affecting the back of the throat and throat tissues. This condition is often referred to as a “sore throat” and often occurs due to infections such as colds or flu. The question “What is pharyngitis?” can be answered more comprehensively. Pharyngitis is usually caused by infection or irritation of the tissues in the back of the throat, called the pharynx. Inflammation in this area can cause sore throat, difficulty swallowing and sometimes coughing. Pharyngitis, which usually develops as a result of a viral infection, can also be the result of a bacterial infection. Pharyngitis is a common health problem, especially among adults. Pharyngitis can be acute and chronic. Short-term throat infections are usually called acute pharyngitis. Pharyngitis that does not go away for 3 months can be classified as chronic pharyngitis. Chronic pharyngitis is used for throat infections that persist for at least 3 months and the course of treatment is longer.

What are the Symptoms of Pharyngitis?

Pharyngitis can be recognized by its distinct symptoms. The symptoms of pharyngitis are:
  • Sore Throat The most common symptom of pharyngitis is a sore throat. It is characterized by a burning or tingling sensation at the back or bottom of the throat.
  • Difficulty Swallowing: Inflammation in the throat can make swallowing difficult and uncomfortable.
  • Redness and swelling: The back of the throat may become red and swollen. This is usually a sign that the tissue is irritated.
  • Hoarseness Some people may notice that their voice is hoarse due to pharyngitis. This can occur due to inflammation of the vocal cords.
  • Cough Cough due to pharyngitis can occur as a reflex response to an irritant from the throat.
  • Fever and malaise: Pharyngitis caused by a viral infection can cause symptoms such as fever and fatigue.

What are the Symptoms of Allergic Pharyngitis?

Allergic pharyngitis is the result of inflammation of the throat and pharyngeal area caused by exposure to allergens. Symptoms of allergic pharyngitis can vary depending on the type of allergen, its severity and individual sensitivity. Common symptoms of allergic pharyngitis include the following:
  • Sore throat
  • Dry cough
  • Difficulty swallowing,
  • Sneezing,
  • Runny nose
  • Inflammation of the eye,
  • Voice changes,
  • Headache

What Causes Pharyngitis?

The causes of pharyngitis are not limited to common infections such as the common cold or flu. Negligence such as not paying attention to hand hygiene, not covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing, not cleaning shared objects are reasons for the spread of pharyngitis. This is why the question “Is pharyngitis contagious?” is frequently asked. Pharyngitis is an infectious disease. But to be contagious, the cause of pharyngitis must be microorganisms such as viruses or bacteria. Possible causes of pharyngitis include the following factors:
  • Viruses Most cases of pharyngitis are caused by viruses. Respiratory viruses can cause inflammation of the throat. The settlement of these viruses in the throat contributes to irritation of the mucous membrane and consequently to the development of pharyngitis.
  • Bacteria Bacterial infections, such as streptococcal bacteria, are also a major cause of pharyngitis. In cases of bacterial pharyngitis, the back of the throat can become red and swollen, leading to a sore throat.
  • Allergens People who are sensitive to allergens may develop allergic pharyngitis. Allergens such as pollen, house dust mites, animal dander and fungal spores can irritate the throat and cause inflammation.
  • Environmental Factors: Environmental factors such as cigarette smoke, air pollution and chemical irritants can also cause pharyngitis. Such factors can irritate the mucous membrane of the throat and trigger inflammation.
  • Chronic Disorders: Some chronic conditions can increase the risk of pharyngitis. Especially reflux is the most common cause of pharyngitis among these chronic diseases.
  • Immune System Weakness: People with a weak immune system can become infected more easily with viruses and bacteria, which can increase the risk of pharyngitis.

How Does Pharyngitis Pass?

There are various treatment methods that can be used to deal with pharyngitis and alleviate the symptoms. Here are the suggestions that answer the question “What is good for pharyngitis?”
  • Rest When you have pharyngitis, the body needs rest. By limiting activity, the immune system can be helped to fight infection.
  • Drink plenty of fluids: Keeping the body hydrated can relieve throat irritation. Drinking plenty of water or hot herbal teas can relieve a sore throat.
  • Humidification: A moisturizing air can reduce irritation in the throat. It can therefore be helpful to use humidifiers or steam inhalation.
  • Painkillers and Anti-inflammatories: Painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to relieve symptoms such as sore throat and fever. But it is important to consult a doctor before using these medicines.
  • Antibiotics (in case of bacterial pharyngitis): If the cause of pharyngitis is a bacterial infection, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.
  • Prevention of Allergens (in the case of Allergic Pharyngitis): In cases of pharyngitis caused by allergens, it is important to limit or prevent exposure to allergens. This may mean reducing allergens at home or avoiding factors that trigger allergic reactions.
  • Reflux Treatment (In Case of Pharyngitis Due to Reflux): If reflux disease causes pharyngitis, measures should be taken to treat this condition. Dietary changes and reflux medications may be recommended by the doctor in this case.

What is good for pharyngitis cough?

Pharyngitis is a condition caused by inflammation of the throat and one of the most common symptoms is coughing. Coughing can occur to irritate the throat or to clear mucus. Here are the methods that can be used to treat pharyngitis when a cough occurs:
  • Hot water with honey and lemon: Honey is a natural antibacterial and soothing agent. A mixture of lemon juice and honey added to a glass of hot water can relieve a sore throat and soothe a cough.
  • Gargle with salt water: Gargling several times a day by adding half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water can help reduce irritation.
  • Steam Inhalation: Steam inhalation can help relieve a cough. By covering the boiling water with a towel, a person can inhale the steam. This can help to dilute mucus and soothe the throat.
  • Drink plenty of fluids: Drinking plenty of fluids can help dilute mucus and relieve coughing. It is important to drink fluids such as water, herbal teas or fresh fruit juices.
  • Avoiding Smoking and Irritants: It is important to avoid irritants such as cigarette smoke and air pollution. These substances can worsen the cough.

What Foods Should Pharyngitis Patients Avoid?

Some foods can make pharyngitis worse. For this reason, these are the things that people with pharyngitis should not eat:
  • Spicy Foods: Chili peppers, mustard, salty chips, spicy sauces and similar foods can irritate the throat and increase pain.
  • Hot Foods and Drinks: Hot foods and drinks such as hot soup, coffee or hot tea can increase throat irritation.
  • Acidic Foods: Acidic foods and drinks such as citrus fruits, tomatoes and acidic fruit juices can irritate the throat in cases of reflux pharyngitis.
  • Hard Foods: Food with hard and sharp edges can irritate the throat more. Therefore, hard snacks such as chips should be avoided.
  • Alcohol Alcohol use can worsen pharyngitis and slow the healing process.
  • Chocolate and Caffeine: Chocolate and products containing caffeine can increase coughing in some people. It may therefore be necessary to limit the consumption of such foods.

How Can We Recognize Pharyngitis?

Pain or discomfort in the back of the throat or tonsils often occurs. In addition to this sore throat, you may have difficulty swallowing and develop pain or discomfort when swallowing. In addition, pharyngitis often starts with a dry cough, which can be severe due to irritation in the throat. In some cases of pharyngitis, high fever may occur and body temperature may rise. Symptoms such as general weakness, fatigue and lack of energy are also common. If pharyngitis is caused by a viral infection, nasal congestion or a runny nose may also occur. When assessing all these symptoms, it is important to contact a health professional if symptoms are severe or if pharyngitis does not go away.

Is Pharyngitis a Dangerous Disease?

Pharyngitis is generally not considered a dangerous disease. Instead, it is considered a treatable health problem. But the symptoms of pharyngitis can worsen if left untreated. Symptoms such as sore throat, difficulty swallowing and coughing can worsen and negatively affect quality of life. Symptoms of untreated pharyngitis can last longer. The healing process may be delayed and this may affect your daily activities. Most of the time, the answer to the question “How many days does pharyngitis go away?” is sought. In general, cases of viral pharyngitis heal within a few days to a few weeks, while bacterial pharyngitis heals faster when treated. If medical help is not sought to cure pharyngitis, serious complications such as rheumatic fever or kidney infections can develop. If left untreated, the consequences of pharyngitis are often more unfavorable. Therefore, if you have symptoms of pharyngitis and your symptoms are severe, you should contact a health professional. Your doctor will recommend the appropriate treatment.
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