What is Online Treatment and Why is it Preferred?
With the possibilities provided by technology, patients may not need to physically change places for examination, treatment and follow-up services. Patients can benefit from 24/7 remote healthcare services instead of rushing to get to the appointment time or being at the place where they will receive treatment due to the time loss caused by traffic and limited time intervals or tiredness among their workload. The solution to this convenience can be through online treatment. The online treatment service includes examination, consultation and treatment that can be carried out entirely on online platforms. This system, which is very comfortable for both the client and the counselor, also saves time. In this way, in addition to the physician follow-up required for chronic diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure and obesity, counseling can also be obtained for healthy living tips. With the help of smart devices integrated into smartphones, patients themselves can monitor their health outside of consultation times.Security Measures on Online Treatment Platforms
Thanks to developing technology and innovative healthcare services, patients do not have to be in hospitals, laboratories, clinics, doctors’ offices, etc. at certain hours to receive services. With the online interview platforms that have entered our lives, patients can take a more active and decision-making position in their treatment. The physician is more decisive in physical examination and treatment. The online consultation service, which enables patients to participate more actively in the treatment process, provides a more egalitarian understanding of the patient-physician relationship. In this area, it is natural for patients to ask “How can security measures be taken during online interviews?”. During online treatment, the patient-physician relationship or the client-counselor relationship is no different from physical meetings. In online treatment, security measures are taken to protect the principle of patient confidentiality and the conversation remains entirely between two people.
Certificates Verifying Experts’ Competence in Online Treatment
One of the most important goals of remote health services is to provide access to health services for everyone. Today, chronic diseases and healthy life counseling is a long-term process under the follow-up of a counselor. In this process, patients can have their follow-ups from wherever they are with online health counseling. Even if clients are not in the same environment with physicians, they can be sure that they are receiving services from experts. One Dose Health guarantees this for clients and transparently shows clients the competence-verifying certificates that demonstrate expertise. Certificates confirming competence are:- Quality management
- Personal data management
- Software processes
- Information security
- Validation
Safety Tips to Consider During Online Treatment
One of the biggest advantages of online treatment is that patients can apply for this service from anywhere and from any area with internet access. One Dose Health aims both to provide healthy working conditions for its employees and to provide access to health care for everyone at lower wages. A wellness service is an opportunity that everyone can use, supported by simple working devices. What patients need to do before receiving treatment is quite simple. After becoming a member of the website, the doctor is selected. An appointment time is then set where they can attend from wherever they wish. After the payment is made, the appointment can be accessed on the platform when the time comes and 24/7 remote service can be received. The most important security tip that patients should be aware of during these stages, which are all done remotely, is how the information is protected. As stated in the information security section on the page, the records of the patients, the interviews made, the data received during the interview and during the membership of the website are completely protected within the framework of the law. In this sense, there is no data sharing with third parties. Information security policy is an important and indispensable element within One Dose Health. Within the scope of the protection of personal data and within the framework of patient-physician confidentiality, the interviews remain entirely between the patient and the physician.You may be interested in : Online Health Service