What is Fear of Failure (Atikiphobia)?How to overcome it?

What is Fear of Failure (Atikiphobia)?

Fear of failure is a psychological condition that leads a person to avoid facing the fear of failure.
This fear can prevent an individual from reaching their full potential and can become an internal barrier that prevents success.
Atikiphobia often stems from negative experiences in the past and can manifest itself in many areas of daily life.

Can I be a total failure when I make a mistake?
Then why have I labeled myself a failure?
It is not “me” who has failed here.
The path I chose, my behavior, my decision failed.
It is unrealistic to generalize to myself and my life as a whole.
then I would be ignoring my many successes.
Instead of ignoring my failures, I can work with them.
I can accept my failures and see what I can change for a better me.
But I can’t do that if I come blindly and criticize myself and don’t face my failures.
I can still have a chance.
Instead of giving up when I make a mistake or fail, I can look at what I can do to succeed and keep going.
Maybe it doesn’t hurt to try.
I can focus on my successes.
I may have failed in one area, but that doesn’t change the fact that I have succeeded in other areas.
I can be proud of my achievements!
I can think about what I can and cannot control about success.
I can focus more on what I have control over and let go of what I don’t.
Everyone experiences failures.
It is a normal part of life.
I can remind myself of this more often.
Not every failure has to end in disaster.
Maybe it’s not even as bad as I thought it would be.
I can look at how high my standards are and whether I want impossible perfection.
I may not immediately succeed at the things I want.
I can give myself time to learn and improve.
Maybe I am better than I used to be.  

Symptoms of Fear of Failure

Fear of failure manifests in both mental and emotional symptoms.
These symptoms can often limit progress in one’s personal and professional life.
Major symptoms include difficulty making decisions, constant procrastination, low self-esteem, perfectionism and risk aversion.
The person is hypersensitive to the possibility of failure and this becomes the governing factor in their life.  

Physical Symptoms of Atikiphobia

Atikiphobia not only has psychological effects, but can also lead to physical symptoms.
These symptoms can include muscle tension, headaches, nausea, heart palpitations, shortness of breath and excessive sweating.
These symptoms intensify at moments when a person feels at risk of failing.

Emotional Symptoms of Atikiphobia

Emotional symptoms are often related to the intense anxiety and stress a person feels.
The person may be in a constant state of anxiety about the possibility of failure, which can lead to larger psychological problems such as depression, feelings of worthlessness, lack of self-confidence and burnout.
Over time, these emotional reactions can be compounded by social withdrawal and feelings of isolation.

Causes of Fear of Failure

The causes of fear of failure are often based on past experiences and environmental factors.
Excessive criticism, high expectations or families that overemphasize success during childhood can pave the way for the development of this fear.
In addition, cultural and social pressures can also trigger a person’s fear of failure.

Psychological Causes of Atikiphobia

The psychological causes of atikiphobia include perfectionism, low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence and negative thought patterns.
The person may believe that mistakes and failures are personal inadequacies.
This fear can be especially deepened in individuals who have had traumatic past experiences or significant failures.

Environmental Factors and Atikiphobia

Environmental factors can trigger this fear, especially in competitive environments such as work and school.
Pressures from family, peer groups and society can also increase the fear of failure.
Individuals who grow up in environments where they feel constantly obliged to succeed tend to be more risk-averse and avoid failure.

How to Overcome Fear of Failure

The first step to overcome the fear of failure is to recognize and accept it.
One can learn to take risks in small steps and should remind oneself that failures are learning opportunities.
It is also important to realistically assess one’s own expectations and goals.
Psychological support and therapy can be a very effective way to overcome atyphobia.
Stress management techniques such as mindfulness and meditation can also help to cope with this fear.  

This content was prepared with the contributions of Clinical Psychologist Zeynep Hazal Ertürk.

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