What are the Impacts of Telemedicine on Working People?

What are the Impacts of Telemedicine on Working People?

The biggest problem in accessing health services in busy working lives is time. A person may have more than one hospital visit to make. At the same time, in the presence of chronic diseases that require regular follow-up and contact with a doctor, health care may be interrupted due to time problems and follow-ups cannot progress properly. Telemedicine is a service that helps working people overcome the problems of access to health care. People can easily access primary health care services by contacting a health worker quickly and online 24/7. What is Telemedicine? Telemedicine enables patients to access health services through technological environments. It is an opportunity for people who do not have the time to go to a health institution or who are unable to do so to benefit from health services. But telemedicine is not for every health problem. It ensures that remote medical services are provided for diseases that do not require an emergency, do not require tests or surgery, and require regular follow-up. It can also provide information about whether the person needs treatment or a face-to-face check-up. Situations where telemedicine can be used include:
  • Health checks that do not require physical examination
  • Postoperative controls
  • Care in infectious diseases
  • Access to health care for people with mobility limitations
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Psychological counseling
  • Prescription of medicines to be renewed
  • Receiving information about the result of the examination
  • Non-urgent examinations
Employee Access to Health Services Working people need permission from their workplace to use health services. Unless there is an emergency or serious illness, people postpone these hospital visits to avoid taking time off. For procedures such as prescription printing and outpatient examinations that do not require tests, telemedicine services help employees to receive healthcare services without the need to take time off. Support in Chronic Diseases Regular follow-up of people with chronic diseases is very important. Especially working people with chronic diseases may disrupt these follow-ups. Telemedicine services can facilitate access to primary healthcare services and communication with healthcare professionals. In addition to the follow-up of people with chronic diseases, it is also possible to write prescriptions for urgent medication needs. Health workers can be reached not only in chronic diseases but also in post-operative care. TelemedicineEasy Communication Values such as weight, blood pressure and blood glucose that can be measured at home can be instantly shared with the health worker. At the same time, when the results of the tests performed in the hospital are received, the person can instantly connect to the doctor and learn the results without the need to go to the hospital again. At the same time, in cases where a doctor needs to be reached urgently, the patient can be directed in the right way. There are many ways of communication in telemedicine, such as video calls, texting, e-mail, shared access to health platforms. Time Saving Access to services can be challenging due to the similar working hours of the person and the health providers. At the same time, with a busy work schedule, one can lose many hours even when going to the hospital. Telemedicine helps to save time by enabling the person to reach the health worker without wasting time. It also provides an opportunity to receive outpatient services outside office hours. In this way, it provides quick access to information about one’s health. Identification of Emergency Situations When a person has a health problem, if they cannot reach the hospital at that moment, they can learn the seriousness of the situation 24/7 with telemedicine and act accordingly. Situations requiring emergency care can be identified and time can be saved for intervention. At the same time, situations that do not require hospitalization are also identified, eliminating concerns about one’s health. One can monitor not only oneself but also one’s relatives and provide counseling for them outside working hours. Health Data Monitoring Applications such as obtaining the health data of the person through smart devices and transmitting other values such as blood pressure, blood sugar and weight to the doctor are among the advantages of telemedicine. People can send their health data to their doctor in the working environment without going to the doctor. If there is a problem, you can get feedback from your doctor or compare the data sent regularly.  
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