The Role of Smart Integrated Devices in Diabetes Management

Smart Integrated Devices and Diabetes: Better Living with Advanced Technology

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that affects how glucose is used in the body. It affects about 9% of the world’s population and there are two types, type 1 and type 2. Standard treatment for type 1 diabetes involves glucose monitoring throughout the day and insulin injections administered accordingly. The aim of treatment is to regulate blood sugar by preventing hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. Going to a health facility every time for blood glucose monitoring or injections can negatively affect a person’s quality of life. For this, various devices have been produced that can be used in the treatment of diabetes. These systems generally include glucose monitoring, hormone delivery, etc. It helps to keep blood sugar within normal ranges, targeting improvements in the course and complications of the disease. In addition, the role of smart integrated devices in diabetes management is to contribute to improving living conditions by reducing the time people spend on disease management.

Advantages of Smart Integrated Devices for Diabetes Patients

Today, as in other fields, digitalization has come to the forefront in diabetes treatment. In addition to the 24/7 remote healthcare system, integrated devices can make disease management easier than before. Today’s smart integrated devices have many advantages and these advantages can vary depending on the device used. In general, the advantages are as follows:
  • Possibility to monitor blood sugar regularly with a glucometer ,
  • Adjustable basal insulin levels on demand with insulin pump,
  • Insulin injections that can be administered more easily and reliably with an insulin pen
  • Dose tracking with smart insulin pen
  • Ensuring weight control with weighing scales

Smart Integrated Devices Enable Easier Diabetes Management

The process after a diagnosis of diabetes can be difficult at first. There may be a lot of information to learn and pay attention to. The diabetes nurse at the health facility will give you detailed information about what you need to pay attention to and what medicines or injections you need to use. You will also be monitored by online physicians and health services. Once the necessary assistance has been provided by healthcare professionals, it is up to you and your smart integrated devices to manage your treatment. The devices and the facilities they provide can be summarized as follows:
  • Smart insulin pen: Reusable injector pen with phone app. Includes pre-used cartridges in addition to the existing insulin pen.
  • Ketone screener: Ketones are substances that can rise in the blood of diabetics and cause the blood to become acidic. When ketones rise in the blood, a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis can occur. This health problem can lead to death in severe cases. With a ketone monitor, you can track the amount of ketones in the blood and contact a health care provider before they reach dangerous levels.
  • Glucometer The first important health measure to monitor in a patient with diabetes is blood sugar. A small needle is inserted into the finger and a small amount of blood is taken and measured.
  • Insulin pump The treatment of diabetes requires injecting insulin into the body at regular intervals. After a while, these infections can become troublesome. An insulin pump is attached to the waist and allows the body to receive glucose continuously but in small amounts.

The Role of Smart Integrated Devices in Future Diabetes Management

In the last 20 years, the role of devices in diabetes management has steadily increased. Changes in eating habits and the spread of sedentary lifestyles are associated with an increased risk of diabetes worldwide. A treatment plan needs to be developed as well as measures to be taken against the increased risk. Therefore, efforts should continue to systematically fill gaps and meet new needs for integrated smart devices used in diabetes management. Treatment of diabetes, a condition in which the body is unable to produce or use insulin, focuses on regulating blood sugar. For this, diabetics need to monitor their blood sugar regularly throughout the day. The human errors experienced when this management was provided manually have led to the digitalization of management. The role of smart integrated devices in diabetes management is to provide patients with an easy-to-use ip accessible and large-scale adjunctive therapy.
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