How Does Flu Pass? What are the Symptoms of Influenza?

How Does Flu Pass? What are the Symptoms of Influenza?

Influenza is an infectious respiratory disease caused by the influenza virus that infects the nose, throat and lungs. It can spread quickly and easily from person to person and in some cases can be fatal. It can be mild or severe and can predispose to other diseases. It can cause limited infection in healthy individuals and usually tends to resolve within a week. However, it can cause serious complications in pregnant and breastfeeding women, young children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems. It is typically characterized by high fever, body aches, cough and fatigue. Vaccination against influenza is possible and is recommended for everyone aged 6 months and older. Treatment for influenza may include controlling symptoms through antiviral medicines. Influenza can be caused by different types of viruses and tends to spread faster, especially in winter. There are 4 main types of influenza viruses: influenza A, B, C and D. Mostly type A and B viruses can cause influenza in humans. Different types of viruses can affect people in different ways.

What is Influenza?

Influenza, known in medicine as “influenza”, is an infection of the respiratory system by viruses. Often confused with the common cold, influenza is an acute and sudden onset health problem. Influenza viruses are easily transmitted and can cause infection. Especially influenza A and B are the main causes of influenza cases. In addition, type C viruses can cause mild infections and type D viruses can often cause infections in animals. The most common influenza virus that can cause a pandemic is type A influenza. Contact, sneezing and coughing by people who are infected with the flu virus with other people allows the viruses to spread. In particular, a person newly infected with the virus can spread it to another person in the first few days. Influenza is a condition that usually gets better on its own. However, the duration of infection can vary from person to person. Pregnant and postpartum women, infants and young children, nursing homes, military barracks, etc. People living in communal areas and people over the age of 65 are at risk of catching the flu and developing complications. Influenza can progress more seriously than in the presence of a number of diseases. These diseases can include:
  • Asthma, COPD, etc. chronic lung diseases,
  • Obesity and diabetes,
  • Muscle disorders that make swallowing, coughing and breathing difficult,
  • HIV/AIDS, cancer and use of immunosuppressive drugs,
  • History of kidney, liver, cardiovascular diseases.

What Causes Influenza?

The main cause of the flu is infection with “influenza viruses”. There are 4 types of influenza virus: A, B, C and D. It is only influenza viruses A and B that clinically cause disease and epidemics in humans. Rarely, type C influenza virus can cause colds in children. Type A and B viruses, which cause severe cases of influenza, can be considered the source of pandemics. Influenza viruses can spread in droplets when infected people cough, sneeze and talk. Airborne liquid droplets can remain suspended in the air for some time and spread up to 1 meter. These droplets can be directly inhaled or adhere to surfaces. Viruses can be transmitted by touching surfaces and by touching hands to the nose, mouth and eyes. However, if hands are not washed, it is possible to spread the virus by touching other people. Close contact with people and being together in closed environments can increase viral transmission. Just before and one week after the onset of symptoms is the period of highest contagiousness. Children, the elderly and people with weakened immunity may remain infected for longer. In case of previous flu, the body produces antibodies against viruses. Later, when the body’s antibodies encounter the virus, they can block the infection. However, new antibodies need to be created against different strains of flu and antibody levels can decrease over time. flu

How Does Flu Pass?

In healthy individuals with normal immunity, the flu tends to get better on its own. Isolation, rest, plenty of fluids and medication to prevent transmission of the virus can often be part of flu treatment. However, in severe cases of influenza and weak immunity, antiviral treatment can be initiated. In the first few days of symptoms, antiviral treatment can help relieve symptoms and prevent possible complications. Antiviral medicines can cause side effects in some cases. Usually nausea, vomiting and diarrhea can be among these side effects. Antiviral treatment initiated in combination with early detection can help shorten the duration of illness by a few days. In addition to the flu, antibiotic treatment may be preferred when bacterial infections start. In case of complications caused by the flu, consult your doctor for additional treatment.

What are the Symptoms of Influenza?

Unlike the common cold, flu symptoms tend to appear suddenly. It commonly has specific signs and symptoms. People with the flu may not have all the symptoms. However, common symptoms may include the following:
  • Fire,
  • Feeling cold and shivering,
  • Sore throat
  • Coughing and sneezing,
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headache
  • Runny nose
  • Muscle aches
  • Fatigue and weakness,
  • Shortness of breath
Influenza is a health problem that can affect the throat, lungs, limbs, muscular and joint system, gastrointestinal system. Influenza can also cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. These symptoms may be more common in children.

What is Good for Flu at Home?

Often the flu can be treated at home and can be managed in a mild way. Recovery can be achieved in an average of 7-10 days without the need for hospitalization. In response to the question “What is good for the flu?”, some of the practices recommended for home treatment may include the following:
  • Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration (fluid loss),
  • Taking time to rest,
  • Maintain a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables,
  • Limit or quit smoking and alcohol,
  • Gargling with warm water and using lozenges,
  • Use hot water bags,
  • Use pain medication,
  • Using sprays or oral sprays in case of a runny nose,
  • Humidify the room or inhale hot water vapor.
Expectorant medicines may be preferred for sputum-forming flu. Various medicines can be used to treat other symptoms caused by the flu.

Frequently Asked Questions

Influenza is a highly prevalent global health problem. The flu is usually mild and acute, but in some cases it can be worrying. In this context, you can read the rest of the article to see the most curious questions and answers such as “What is good for flu during pregnancy?”, “What is good for flu in babies?”, “What is good for sore throat and flu?”.

How Many Days Does a Normal Flu Last?

In healthy people, the flu can last for one or two weeks on average. The flu can get better on its own without any treatment. Depending on the person’s age, medication and disease history, this period may vary.

Is Sweating Good for Colds?

Contrary to popular belief, sweating is not effective in curing the common cold. Sweating cannot affect the multiplication of bacteria or viruses and the course of the infection. However, symptoms can be alleviated by sweating and warming up.

How Does Flu Pass in Children?

Fever, cough, etc. in the treatment of influenza in children. medications may be prescribed to alleviate symptoms. Along with medication, drinking plenty of fluids, adequate and balanced nutrition and rest are important steps to recovery.

How Does Flu Pass During Pregnancy?

Influenza during pregnancy can be alleviated with antiviral medication. It may be necessary to increase water consumption to prevent dehydration from having a dangerous outcome. In addition, herbal teas used in traditional medicine should be consulted with a doctor before use.

Does the flu go away on its own?

Usually the flu can go away on its own. Treatment may be needed when an additional bacterial infection occurs with the flu. In some people, the flu may go away in a few days, while in other patients it may take up to 1-2 weeks.

How Many Days Do Flu Symptoms Last?

Flu symptoms may not be the same for everyone. For this reason, it may take a few days in some patients and up to two weeks in others. For high-risk groups, symptoms may be more severe and last longer.

Does the flu cause phlegm?

Influenza is mostly characterized by a dry cough. Coughing with phlegm or mucus is a common symptom of the common cold. Mucus production is usually absent in cases of influenza, which is often confused with the common cold.

What is good for sore throat in children?

Children over 2 years old can be given ice cream, ice chips or lozenges. Moisturizers can be used and warm drinks can be preferred. Gargling with salt water may be recommended. Honey can be added to warm drinks.

Which doctor to go to for flu?

In cases such as colds and flu, an appointment can be made with the Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT), Internal Medicine or Infectious Diseases departments. If the flu is chronic, it may be advisable to consult an infectious diseases department.

What is Good for Flu?

Flu can improve in 1-2 weeks. Adequate and balanced nutrition, drinking plenty of fluids, getting enough sleep and rest are important factors in shortening this process. Doctor-prescribed antiviral medicines can be used to treat signs and symptoms.

What to Do for Nasal Congestion in Influenza?

Influenza infection can also cause infection in the nasal sinuses. This can lead to nasal congestion. Using sprays, inhaling steam, using a humidifier and consuming plenty of fluids can be effective in relieving nasal congestion.

How Many Days Does Nasal Congestion Last in Influenza?

Symptoms caused by the flu can usually last 5-7 days. In some cases, nasal congestion may last longer or become chronic. However, nasal congestion may not always occur.

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