Healthy Coping with Failure

Healthy Coping with Failure

Can I fail completely when I make a mistake? Then why did I tag myself fail? I’m not the “me” failing here. The path I chose, my behavior, the decision I made failed. It is unrealistic for me to generalize to myself and my entire life. Then I would have overlooked many of my achievements. I can work with my failures instead of ignoring them. I can accept my failures and see what I can change for a better me. But if I don’t come and criticize myself and face my failures, I can’t do it. I may still have a chance. Instead of giving up immediately when I make a mistake or fail, I can look at what I can do to succeed and continue. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to try. I can focus on my achievements. I may have failed at one thing, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’ve been successful at other things. I can be proud of my achievements! I can think about what I can and cannot control about success. I can focus more on the things I have control of and leave the things I don’t. Everyone experiences failures. This is the normal state of life. I can remind myself more of this. Not every failure has to end in disaster. Maybe I didn’t even have as bad a result as I thought. I can look at how high my standards are and whether I want impossible perfection. I may not be immediately successful at what I want. I can give myself time to learn and heal. Maybe I’m better than before.

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