1) What is exam anxiety?
Exam anxiety; It is defined as intense anxiety that prevents the learned information from being used effectively during the exam, causing a decrease in performance.
2) What are the causes of test anxiety?
Perfectionism and high standards, expectations and pressure of the social environment, thinking that one cannot adequately prepare for the exam, and basic beliefs about the exam (“My exam score shows who I am, if I do not pass the exam, I am nothing, I cannot achieve anything, there is no other way to be successful and happy in life than to pass the exam.”) may cause test anxiety.
3) Is every test anxiety risky? When does it become a problem?
Not every test anxiety is risky. Anxiety can be seen in every person who will take the exam, a certain level of anxiety is useful in motivating and preparing for the exams. The important point here is that if the intensity of anxiety negatively affects the person’s use of the information he has learned and reduces his performance, anxiety about the exam becomes a problem.
4) What are the physical, emotional and mental symptoms of test anxiety?
Physical symptoms: Abdominal pain, nausea, sweating, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite or overeating. Emotional symptoms: Anger, fear, despair, constant crying. Mental symptoms: Problems with concentration, distraction, forgetfulness.
5) Does test anxiety continue after the exam?
Anxiety may occur before and during the exam, or it may continue after the exam regarding the future result.
6) Do parents’ attitudes trigger test anxiety in young people?
Negative attitudes of parents during the exam process are one of the factors that increase exam anxiety. Rejecting and critical attitudes, unrealistic expectations, glorifying success and belittling failure, and making comparisons with others can trigger test anxiety.
7) What should parents’ attitudes be during the anxiety process?
Families should be realistic and avoid comparisons with peers. In addition, they should be made to feel that their love for their children will not change depending on their exam scores and that it is unrequited. It is also important to trust and encourage their children by giving them responsibilities.
8) Does test anxiety cause making mistakes during the exam?
Every student may experience exam anxiety, but not all of their exam results are negatively affected by this situation. However, if there are intense physical, mental and emotional symptoms of test anxiety, the probability of making mistakes during the exam is higher.
9) What are the methods followed in the treatment of exam anxiety?
If the person’s exam anxiety has caused problems such as depression, anxiety disorder and sleep disorder, psychiatrist support and psychotherapy may be considered. Additionally, the individual treatment process can be supported by family therapy.
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