What is stress? Stress, which affects both physical and mental health and reduces the quality of life, is defined as the state of tension felt by the person against disturbing or challenging conditions in his or her environment. While environmental stimuli that create various reactions are called “stressors”, the individual’s reactions to these stimuli can be differentiated as “stress”. Why does stress occur? Psychological factors such as personality traits and the relationship between mind and body can affect an individual’s style of coping with stress and therefore their physical health. By nature, when the body encounters a threat, it secretes stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, and this initiates physiological activation. Our body follows a fast and automatic course called the fight or flight response. This reaction protects us at a functional level, but when it starts to become dysfunctional, it reduces our quality of life by damaging our physical and mental health, daily functionality level, relationships, work life and many other areas of life. What are the symptoms caused by chronic stress? Chronic, that is, long-term stress, affects our health-related behaviors by weakening our immune system and creating a basis for our resistance to disease formation. Some of the symptoms caused by chronic stress: palpitations, headaches, digestive problems, shortness of breath, tremors in the hands, hypersensitivity to sound, sleep problems, eating problems, weakness, joint pain, heart disorders, tension, restlessness, anxiety, depression, loss of motivation, reluctance, indifference, irritability, They can be listed as aggression, forgetfulness, indecisiveness, and deprivation in social life. What is the relationship between chronic stress, the immune system and personality traits? Research shows that some personality traits and psychological factors can lead to chronic stress and, accordingly, our immune system can be suppressed, increasing the risk of diseases. These personality traits and psychological factors can be listed as follows: • Unmet and ignored emotional needs • Perfectionism • Not being able to say no • Extreme self-sacrifice • Ignoring the self by putting others first • Suppressing emotions • Anger uncontrollability What should be considered to cope with stress? It is necessary to learn to cope with stress in order to reduce the negative effects of stress on the immune system and to take precautions against health problems that may arise. Things to consider to cope with stress: • Eating healthy and regularly • Creating a sleep pattern • Doing regular sports and exercises • Establishing a routine of relaxation techniques • Recognizing and understanding the factors that create stress and developing awareness to eliminate or adapt to them, • Increasing social support, • Realizing what we can and cannot control • Taking time for yourself to develop hobbies and get active in social activities In addition to these suggestions, the individual’s share of these factors can be reduced by increasing stress awareness by keeping a stress diary, taking note of the stress experienced, ways of coping, and thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to stressful experiences. If the desired effect cannot be achieved in coping with stress despite all the measures taken, getting psychological support is the most effective way.
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