With technology and social media, we can be informed about all developments as soon as possible and communicate with people we have not seen for a long time. Although social media seems to make business and social life easier, spending long time on these channels can cause psychological problems. FOMO syndrome, known as the fear of not being informed about current information, is considered by experts to be one of the most important psychological problems caused by social media.   What is FOMO syndrome? FOMO syndrome is defined as the anxiety of not being able to follow the developments on social media and the fear of missing out. In FOMO syndrome, individuals experience intense anxiety such as not being aware of current information or being left out of the subject. With these concerns, they constantly check their phones or technological devices.   Who usually gets FOMO syndrome? FOMO syndrome is especially seen in Generation Z. It is also observed more frequently in individuals who have limited ability to cope with stress, are hyperactive, and have poor impulse control. At the same time, FOMO syndrome can also occur together with nomophobia, which is defined as the fear of being without a phone.   What are the symptoms of FOMO syndrome? Individuals with FOMO syndrome are active on social media for more than 1 hour during the day and think that life stops when there is no internet. These people, who cannot stay away from the internet even for a short time, enjoy social media notifications. They constantly share on social media and feel inadequate and disapproved when their posts are not liked. They also check their phones frequently and keep them with them even while sleeping. They get angry when they cannot access their phones. That’s why they always carry a charger with them.   What other psychological problems does FOMO syndrome cause? It is observed that FOMO syndrome paves the way for psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety disorders. According to research, FOMO and addiction criteria match. Indicators such as developing tolerance (increasing the dose), showing deprivation, decreasing social, cultural and personal activities, and encountering physical, psychological and social problems are also seen in behavioral patterns related to FOMO. In addition, the presence of various psychological disorders triggered by a decrease in meeting psychosocial needs, a feeling of loneliness, fatigue, stress, eating problems, sleep problems, attention deficit, behavioral problems, decreased work efficiency, distraction in traffic, social lack of communication, and social isolation are also observed.   What should be done to deal with FOMO syndrome? The internet and social media should be seen as a tool, not an end. Removing technology from the center of life and gradually reducing the time spent on the internet and mobile phones is very important to cope with FOMO syndrome. Exercising routinely, taking up hobbies, improving face-to-face communication skills, increasing family and friend visits, reading books, increasing self-awareness and staying connected to social life are very important in preventing FOMO syndrome. In cases where all these are insufficient, help should be sought from an expert.
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