Shame makes people feel they deserve to be blamed, but it is an innocent feeling. Shame makes people feel lonely and isolated. But it is a universal feeling. Shame feels like it covers our whole being and our lives. But it is just an emotion that corresponds to a part of our existence. Shame comes from our beliefs such as “I’m flawed”, “I’m unloved”, “I’m a failure”, and ignoring shame deepens it. The most powerful medicine for shame is self-compassion. Because self-compassion supports our good and bad, strengths and weaknesses, accepting and loving ourselves, and being kind to our mistakes. Let’s recognize the beliefs that shame us. Let’s ask ourselves what thoughts and beliefs cause us to feel shame. Then let’s remember this: Billions of people probably feel the same way as me right now. “I’m not as alone as I thought with these feelings.” Finally, let’s think about what kind words I would say to a dear friend who is feeling intense embarrassment. For example, “I’m sorry you feel this way, I see you’re struggling, I’m here for you, I’m here for you, what can I do for you?” we can say.
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