What is Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)? What are the Symptoms?

What is Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)? What are the Symptoms?

Eczema is a skin disease that causes the skin to become dry and itchy. It is a type of dermatitis. Dermatitis is a condition that causes skin inflammation. This disease affects the skin’s barrier and the affected barrier cannot retain moisture in the skin.

What is Eczema? What are the Types?

The question ‘What is eczema?’ is wondered by many individuals. This is a common condition that causes skin rashes, dry patches and infection. The most common types are atopic dermatitis and atopic eczema. The word atopic means that the individual is more likely to suffer from allergic conditions such as asthma and/or hay fever. Other types of eczema include:
  • Contact dermatitis: Caused by contact with a substance that can cause skin redness. The substances vary from person to person. These substances can be cosmetic products such as perfume or shampoo. Any human being can experience this type at some point in their life. It can often occur in people with atopic dermatitis.
  • Allergic dermatitis: Caused by contact with something allergenic on the skin. Commonly poison ivy occurs in contact with metals. In some individuals, contact with sunlight can cause allergic dermatitis.
  • Dyshidrotic eczema: A less common and more difficult type than the others. It manifests as small blisters on the palms, soles of the feet and between the fingers. Prolonged exposure to sweat or contact with metals can trigger dyshidrotic eczema.
  • Neurodermatitis: It can cause intense itchy areas on the back of the neck, arms or legs.
  • Numeric eczema Round-shaped eczema after injuries such as burns or insect bites.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis: Occurs in areas of the body where sebaceous glands are present. When it is on the scalp, it is called dandruff.
  • Stasis dermatitis: Generally observed in individuals with poor blood flow in the lower leg area.

What are the Symptoms of Eczema?

Eczema symptoms vary from individual to individual and from age to age. No matter what part of the body it affects, it is often itchy. Not all itching is eczema. Therefore, the following symptoms can be listed in the question “How to recognize eczema?”:
  • Cracked and red skin,
  • Dry skin
  • Thick skin blemishes,
  • Flaky or crusty skin.
Children and babies can also get eczema. Eczema in babies usually causes crusting on the face and scalp. It can also appear in the arms, legs, back and chest. Newborn babies can show symptoms within a few weeks. In children and young people, eczema is usually seen on the elbows, behind the knees, neck, feet and hands. Eczema is scaly and dry.

How Does Eczema Go Away?

The main goal of eczema treatment is to relieve or prevent itching that can lead to infection. Individuals with eczema wonder “How Does Eczema Pass?”. There are methods that can be done for eczema at home. If eczema does not go away or increases with these methods, it is advisable to consult a specialist doctor.

How to Treat Eczema in Hair?

There is no definitive treatment for eczema in the hair, also known as seborrheic dermatitis. Medication is used to reduce or prevent symptoms. Irritation and itching can be prevented by using dandruff shampoos, which are usually sold in pharmacies. Such shampoos usually start to work when used two or three times a week. Shampoos are thought to work better if they contain the following ingredients:
  • Zinc
  • Salicylic acid
  • Coal tar,
  • Resinol,
  • Nizoral,
  • Selenium sulfide.
If eczema on the scalp is severe, it is advisable to consult a doctor and use prescription shampoos or creams. eczema

How to Treat Eczema on Hands?

Hand washing is very effective in eczema on the hands. If individuals with eczema on their hands wash their hands by paying attention to the following steps, symptoms may decrease:
  • Rings, if any, should be removed before washing hands,
  • Wash with warm water, not hot water,
  • An unscented and antiallergic soap should be preferred,
  • A soft towel should be used when drying hands,
  • Care should be taken to dry between the fingers,
  • A good moisturizer should be applied after washing.
Even if there is no reduction in eczema with these methods, it can help prevent flare-ups. If you cannot avoid ingredients that trigger eczema, you can wear protective clothing.
  • Cotton gloves: Preferable for tasks that can be done without water, such as dusting.
  • Waterproof gloves: Can be used for washing dishes or in other situations where contact with liquids is required. You can choose latex-free or non-allergenic gloves. Cotton gloves can also be worn underneath.
In addition to these, other items to be considered can be listed as follows:
  • It is better to make sure that the hands are clean before putting on the gloves.
  • If water gets into the glove, it must be removed, the hand dried and a dry glove put on again.
  • If wearing plastic or rubber gloves, it is recommended not to wear them for longer than 20 minutes.
  • Gloves can be worn when touching acidic foods such as citrus fruits and tomatoes.
  • Gloves can be worn when washing the hair or someone else can be asked to wash it.
  • If possible, a dishwasher can be used.
  • Disposable gloves should not be reused.
  • If the gloves used are not disposable, it is recommended to wash them with an odorless detergent.
  • If the eczema on the hand does not extend to the fingertips, you can cut the ends of the cotton glove.

How Does Eczema Pass in Babies?

It is very important to consult a doctor for infant eczema treatment. If eczema progresses, it can hurt the baby a lot. When eczema appears in their babies, parents may wonder “What is good for eczema?”. In addition to the doctor’s treatment, the methods that can be applied are listed as follows:
  • Elimination of allergens: Even if you don’t know what causes eczema, you can try using detergents specially made for babies.
  • Moisturizer: By keeping the baby’s skin moisturized, you can reduce the symptoms and provide skin relief at the same time. Moist skin can prevent flare-ups. The best time to apply moisturizer is after bathing and several times during the day when the skin seems dry.

How Does Eczema Pass?

Here are home remedies for eczema on the skin:
  • Oatmeal bath: You can add ground oatmeal to a tub filled with warm water. This bath helps prevent irritants by keeping the skin moisturized.
  • Wet bandages: For eczema flare-ups, you can wet gauze with cold water and place it on the skin. This method cools the skin, relieves itching and makes creams more effective. The frequency of this procedure should be discussed with the doctor. If done too often, it can cause infection.
  • Allergens Staying away from substances that you think touch your skin can prevent eczema.
Your doctor may prescribe medicated creams for eczema that does not go away. There are creams and ointments of various strengths depending on the eczema condition. You can reduce the symptoms of eczema by applying the cream prescribed by your specialist doctor at certain times of the day. When you run out of medicine, it is not advisable to take a new one without consulting a doctor. Due to the substances in these creams, continuous use may thin the skin. In the case of a skin infection caused by eczema, the appropriate antibiotic may be prescribed.

Is Eczema Contagious?

The question “Is eczema contagious?” may be wondered by those who come into contact with eczema or those who are afraid of spreading it. Eczema is not transmitted from person to person by contact or any other means. Therefore, there is no need to avoid the person with eczema.

What Causes Eczema?

The causes of eczema vary from person to person. These reasons can be listed as follows:
  • The immune system reacts to allergens,
  • Eczema or dermatitis in the family,
  • Contact with substances that irritate the skin,
  • Emotional triggers such as stress.
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