What is a Heart Attack?

What is a Heart Attack?

When the arteries that supply the heart are blocked by substances such as cholesterol, the blood supply to the heart muscles is reduced. As a result of reduced blood flow to the heart, there is not enough blood flow to the heart muscle. Blocked blood flow to the heart can lead to a heart attack. Insufficient blood supply to the heart can damage the heart muscle and can be life-threatening.

What are the Symptoms of a Heart Attack?

Different heart attacksymptoms can occur as a result of a heart attack. Some of the symptoms that may occur in a heart attack are as follows:
  • Pain in the chest,
  • Pain in the shoulder, arm, back or neck,
  • Cold, cold sweat,
  • Nausea in the stomach,
  • Indigestion in the stomach,
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling of fatigue,
  • Shortness of breath.
In some cases, a heart attack can occur suddenly without any symptoms. However, a heart attack usually develops symptoms several hours, days or weeks in advance. Chest pain that persists for a long time and does not go away with rest can be a warning sign of a heart attack. heart_crisis

What Causes Heart Attacks?

Coronary artery disease is one of the most common causes of heart attack. In coronary artery disease, one or more of the heart arteries (coronary arteries) can become blocked. Blockage of the heart arteries can block blood flow to the heart. This can lead to a heart attack. Other causes of heart attack are as follows:
  • Smoking In some cases, the coronary arteries, which are responsible for supplying oxygen and nutrients to the heart, can become blocked and cause a heart attack. Smoking can accelerate the blockage and narrowing of coronary arteries. This can lead to a heart attack.
  • Diabetes Diabetes, also known as diabetes, occurs when the body cannot produce enough of the hormone insulin or use it correctly. Heart attacks and diabetes are related diseases. High blood sugar caused by diabetes can damage blood vessels. Damage to blood vessels can block blood flow to the heart. This can lead to a heart attack.
  • High Blood Pressure High blood pressure, known as hypertension in medical language, is a disease that occurs as a result of increased blood pressure in the heart. Heart attacks and hypertension are among the diseases associated with each other. Untreated high blood pressure can cause damage to the arteries leading to the heart. A heart attack can occur as a result of damage to the arteries leading to the heart.
  • High Cholesterol Heart attacks and cholesterol are diseases that closely affect each other. High levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (bad cholesterol) can cause blockages in the heart arteries. A blockage in the heart vessels can lead to a heart attack.
  • Obesity: Being overweight can negatively affect many functions in the body. Obesity can adversely affect the heart vessels and lead to heart attacks.
  • Inadequate Physical Activity: Regular exercise can positively affect heart health. Lack of physical activity can increase the risk of heart attack.
  • Wrong Eating Habits: Consuming processed foods, animal fats, sugar, trans fats and foods high in salt can lead to blockage of the heart vessels and cause a heart attack.
  • Stress Excessive stress can negatively affect heart health and increase the risk of heart attack.
Eliminating factors that can cause a heart attack can reduce the risk of having a heart attack. A heart attack can start to show symptoms days before the disease occurs. Recognizing the symptoms of a heart attack and consulting a health care provider can lead to an early diagnosis of a heart attack and early treatment. In heart attack treatment, it is important to diagnose the disease at an early stage. Early treatment of a heart attack can help prevent the symptoms of the disease. In some cases, a heart attack can occur suddenly without any symptoms. A sudden heart attack can be treated with first aid practices without posing a life-threatening risk. Treatment of a heart attack can sometimes take a long time. A heart attack with long-term treatment planning may require rehabilitation. Being under the supervision of a doctor is very important in the treatment of a heart attack. If you want to have detailed information about heart attacks and manage your existing heart attack disease correctly, do not neglect to consult a health institution. One Dose Health 24/7 online health counseling allows online doctor consultations and access to online treatment services from your location.
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