What is Pollen Allergy?

What is Pollen Allergy?

Pollen allergy is a type of allergy that occurs when seasonal pollen from trees or grasses triggers symptoms of allergic rhinitis and asthma. Pollen allergy , colloquially known as “hay fever”, is also called “seasonal allergic rhinitis” by experts. Pollen allergy is the most common type of respiratory allergy.

What Causes Pollen Allergy?

When most people are exposed to pollen, their immune system kicks in. The immune system protects the body against harmful agents such as viruses and bacteria. In people with pollen allergy, the immune system perceives pollen as a danger and starts producing chemicals such as histamine. Then an allergic reaction occurs. The type of pollen that causes an allergic reaction is an allergen.

What are the Types of Pollen Allergy?

Pollen allergy can be differentiated according to the organ and area it affects. Straw allergy (allergic rhinitis), allergic conjunctivitis, allergic dermatitis, allergic asthma and food allergies are the main ones. Apart from these, pollen allergy can also be diversified according to the species causing the allergy. These are tree pollen allergy, meadow grass allergy and weed allergy. The most common allergy in our country is meadow grass allergy.

What are the Symptoms of Pollen Allergy?

Although people with pollen allergy usually show symptoms in spring, some people may experience symptoms throughout the year. Pollen allergy symptoms include; -Itching in the nose, eyes, mouth, and ears -Sore throat -Nasal congestion (the most common and most uncomfortable symptom) -Sneezing -Clear, thin nasal discharge, also known as rhinorrhea -Decreased sense of taste and smell -There is watery eyes, swelling and redness around the eyes.

How is Pollen Allergy Diagnosed?

The symptoms of pollen allergy are very similar to those of colds and flu. However, unlike the common cold, the symptoms of pollen allergymay increase or decrease depending on the environment, but for a definitive diagnosis it is necessary to be examined by an allergist doctor. The allergist can perform skin prick tests and blood tests for a definitive diagnosis. Going to the hospital can be difficult when you experience mild symptoms of pollen allergyor when you only suspect pollen allergy. Thanks to the developing technological possibilities, it has become possible to receive online health counseling under the control of an online doctor without going to the hospital. If you want to get more detailed information about pollen allergy , you can benefit from online health counseling opportunities and evaluate online treatment methods without disrupting your routine life.   pollen_allergy

Pollen Allergy Treatment

Once a pollen allergy develops, it is unlikely to be completely cured. Nevertheless, the symptoms of pollen allergy can be controlled with allergy medication and injections. Making a few lifestyle changes are also among the pollen allergy relief methods. The first treatment method for pollen allergy is to avoid the allergen. The type of pollen allergy is of great importance here. Pollen allergy prevention methods include reducing pollen exposure; -Avoid going out in the morning when the pollen is highest in the air. -Avoid mowing the lawn, do not go near mowed grass. -If you think there are allergenic pollen outside, close the windows of your house and car. -Stay away from parks, gardens and rural areas, especially during high pollen seasons. -Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. -Shower often and keep your hair free of pollen. -When you return home from outdoor areas, change your clothes immediately and clean them if necessary. In the medical treatment of pollen allergy , anti-allergy medications and sprays are usually used. These include nasal medicines, eye drops, injections, inhaled medicines and allergy pills. Allergy medication must be started at least one to two weeks in advance to be effective. It may also need to be used when allergy symptoms are at their lowest.

Pollen Allergy Relief Methods

-Get rid of dust in the house. Pay attention to the cleanliness of your bookshelf, ornaments and houseplants. -Take advantage of the healing properties of nettles. You can consume nettle, which has been used as a histamine reducer since ancient times, dry or fresh. -Natural apple cider vinegar supports immunity with the vitamins it contains, is good for nasal congestion, regulates digestive problems and is good for edema. Pollen allergy is among the methods of relief. -With its high vitamin C content, broccoli supports immunity and reduces the likelihood of pollen allergy symptoms . Likewise, consuming other dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and collard greens can also help to cope with pollen allergy. -The health of the intestines, which is one of the places where most immune cells are found, is also very important in allergy management. You can harness the power of probiotic sources to maintain or improve gut health. Pickles, kefir, yogurt, cheese are the main sources of probiotics. -In addition, fresh ginger is also known to be good.
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