March 22 is World Water Day

March 22 is World Water Day

March 22nd was declared as World Water Day by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993 to recognize the importance of water, the most basic need of humanity and our source of life on earth. This day, which was established to draw attention to the increasing problem of available water all over the world and to take practical steps to protect and increase the number of potable water resources, has been commemorated as World Water Day every year since 1993. Today is an important day to understand the importance of water in our lives, to inform others about the importance of water and to raise awareness on water issues. Problems in the water cycle affect life in areas such as nutrition, shelter, sanitation, education and industry. Created to solve the water problem that threatens the whole world in the near future, today is an important day to understand the value of water in the world and to raise awareness about water use. The Importance of Water Water, a highly effective substance for the living and non-living environment, is an important natural resource that cannot be replaced by anything else. Deficiencies in water resources pose a risk to the entire habitat. Along with population growth, crises caused by lack of water are also increasing. Lack of water brings with it health problems, economic crises, climate change and a decline in the diversity of life. Water affects life on Earth in many different areas. Some of these areas can be listed as follows:
  • There is no other nutrient that can replace water. Water is indispensable for living life and is one of the most basic elements necessary for the survival of a living being.
  • The demand for water is increasing day by day due to the continuous population growth.
  • While water reaches the end user from its source, the necessary water canals, dams and treatment plants ensure service continuity and create employment.
  • Water is also essential for agriculture and animal husbandry.
  • It is a source of energy used for transportation and lighting as well as irrigation.
The World’s Growing Water Problem Water resources, which have an important position for the living and non-living environment, are decreasing day by day. The fact that it is widely used and cannot be replaced by any other substance further increases the importance of water. Due to its vital, economic and strategic importance, the depletion of water resources is one of the most debated issues of our time. Turkey is a country whose population is growing every year. The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) predicts that Turkey’s population will reach 100 million in 2030. Turkey, which is experiencing a decrease in water resources due to the increasing population of the country, is among the countries that will experience water shortages in the coming years. water_day     Measures that can be taken for the Water Problem Measures to be taken for the reduction in water resources, which threatens the whole world, prevent the unconscious reduction of water resources and prevent problems that may occur due to lack of water. Measures to be taken to prevent the decrease in water resources in our country and to avoid water problems are very important. Some of these measures can be listed as follows:
  • Traditional methods of agriculture cause excessive water withdrawal from sources. Using modern irrigation methods such as drip and sprinkler irrigation ensures efficient use of water by preventing excessive water withdrawal from sources.
  • Proper planning of hydroelectric power plants, dams and basins prevents the destruction of wetlands and ensures efficient utilization of water resources.
  • With the increasing population of the country, the use of drinking water increases. It is very important to be aware of the use of water, which affects daily life in multiple areas from cleaning to nutrition. Paying attention to water use in cleaning, bathing and washing clothes in our routine lives prevents the rapid depletion of water resources.
  • Water resources are polluted by agricultural, industrial and domestic wastes. Pollution of water resources reduces the amount of water available. Paying attention to the cleanliness of water resources is important for protecting water resources and sustaining the life of living things.
Water is a substance of vital importance for the whole world. Using existing water resources efficiently, paying attention to the use of water in our daily lives and informing our environment about the importance of water helps to protect water resources. It is very important to protect water resources for a sustainable life.  
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